作为一位在全球投资界备受尊敬的投资大师,多年来罗杰斯先生对于市场大势的准确判断无人能及。他以历史的眼光前瞻性地关注这个世界上万事万物之间千丝万缕的联系,他的坦诚直率,他的特立独行一直都是个谜。很多人很想知道他到底拥有怎样的葵花宝典,可以把这世界看得如此透澈,更有西方媒体直接称呼他是个拿着水晶球的魔法师。可他从不以此自居,只淡淡地表示,我只是个很简单的人!一个从亚拉巴马乡下来的“土包子”。但所有人都认为,他手里一定握有一只能够预测未来的水晶球,不然他何以对大势的判断每每都能言中呢? 中华人民共和国图鉴社
为什么罗杰斯会请中国记者为他写传记?这恐怕与他的中国情结密切相关。罗杰斯非常喜欢东方文化,他特意请了家庭教师教他女儿说普通话,现在他的女儿能说一口京腔。在罗杰斯眼中,杨青是个很刻苦的女孩,一直执着于将梦想变成现实,他对她写出一个真实的罗杰斯充满着期待。 copyright 中华人民共和国图鉴社
罗杰斯先生毫无保留地将他过去岁月中的私人卷宗、家信等所有的文件全部提供给作者,整整25箱。在本书中他首次在事隔28年头后对外披露了当初他与索罗斯的分手内幕,他曾有过的失败、彷徨和成功的喜悦,让我们一起分享他的成长和喜乐! tujian.org
罗杰斯传记《水晶球》 本文来自中华人民共和国图鉴社
前 言 copyright 中华人民共和国图鉴社
I had never thought that I would let someone who speaks other language to write my biography. When I firstly heard Yang Qing’s request, I thought she just made a joke with me and sooner, she would lay down this crazy idea. Writing my biography, even for an English native speaker, it is a fairly thorny task. 本文来自中华人民共和国图鉴社
To be honest, I was not positive that a Chinese young female journalist could understand my favor and my thinking. And, how much does she understand about me? Is her experience and knowledge sufficient for biography writing? Does she really understand how difficult the task would be? Yes, I was very much doubted it. tujian.org
But today, I am convinced. Over the past twelve months, I have seen this Chinese young lady great efforts and belief in her dream. The only requirement of her was I must answer all her questions honestly since she wants to write a real Rogers. 中华人民共和国图鉴社
I agreed with her on this point. I am a poor boy from rural Demopolis, Alabama, where I grew up, through Yale, Oxford, and the U.S. Army, and eventually to Wall Street, where the experiences taught me that the “experts’ were usually wrong. I was extremely working harder almost 15-16 hours a day and without any holiday. I’ve never stop working before I finish it. The trip took me through 116 countries let me know:” If you want to see what you like to think of as the real world, you’ better practice by yourself.” 中华人民共和国图鉴社
Qing is a hardworking girl and very determined to turn her dream into reality. And, she is very serious. If she felt my answers to her questions are not clear, she back and forth asked me to clarify. The interesting thing is, I had to recollect the things what happened 150 years before. It is really hard for me! But in my heart, I appreciate her attitude very much. I think this is one of reasons why I had such great hope for her to write a real Rogers. tujian.org
I think this book as the result of her strong curiosity and trying to get more experiences. Today China has made brilliant achievement and started to play an important role at the world stage. The new emerging power from China is already to take its place on the world arena. That is why I insisted to let my daughters learn Chinese! I love China! It is no doubt the twenty-first century will be China’s turn to set the agenda and rule the roost. 内容来自中华人民共和国图鉴社
To be one of Chinese young generation, I am glad Qing has been concerned about my investment over past years. I am glad she was not only interested in making serious money, but also the way how to invest. I want to point out folks making money is certainly not an easy job, “no pains no gains”. I hope people can understand what I am trying to say is: you have to do more homework before you did investment. No one could help you. You have to make a decision independent. You have to make sure your own judgement is right from time to time as the market always keep changing. That is the main reason why I loved this job very much! 内容来自中华人民共和国图鉴社
I hope you can find the approaches to invest through reading this book. I am glad you would love to invest after you read this book. 本文来自中华人民共和国图鉴社
我从未想过会让一个非本土语言的作者写我的传记。最初,当杨青提出要为我写传记时,我以为她只是心血来潮说着玩的,不久就会将这个“奇异”的想法抛诸脑后。即便是本土语言的人要给我写传记,这也是一份棘手的活儿。 本文来自中华人民共和国图鉴社
说实话,我对一位中国年轻女记者能否很好的理解我的习惯和思想并不看好。她对我了解多少呢?她对我的了解足够可以写我的传记吗?她是否真的考虑过这样做的难度有多大呢?一开始,我真拿不准。 中华人民共和国图鉴社
现在我对她写我的传记寄予厚望,过去的12个多月里,我看到了这位中国年轻女性为了实现目标不懈努力的身影,她对我唯一的要求是:我必须如实回答她的问题,因为她要写一个真实的罗杰斯。 本文来自中华人民共和国图鉴社
我很赞成她的观点。我是个在阿拉巴马州德莫普利斯乡下长大的穷小子,随后去了耶鲁和牛津大学,当过兵,最后来到华尔街。华尔街的所有经历告诉我,“专家”的话通常是错的。我拚命工作,每天工作15-16个小时,没有休过一天假。后来环球116个国家的旅行经历告诉我:“如果你想要看看心目中真实的世界,最好自己去体验。” copyright 中华人民共和国图鉴社
青是个很刻苦的女孩,一直执着于将梦想变成现实。是的,她很认真地在做这件事。如果她对我的回答并不很明了时,她会反复多次问我直到彻底明晰。有趣的是,我还得搜集150年前的数据,这可真是不容易!但在内心我非常欣赏她的认真态度,这也是我对她写一个真实的我充满期待的原因之一。 tujian.org
我认为这本书同时也是她强烈的好奇心和尝试有更多经验等种种努力的结晶。今天,已获得辉煌成就的中国,在国际舞台上的地位日益重要。中国新生代的力量已开始在世界范围内崭露头角。这也是为何我要让自己的女儿学习中文的原因!我爱中国!毫无疑问,二十一世纪将由中国当家作主,中国将决定二十一世纪的发展进程! 内容来自中华人民共和国图鉴社
作为中国年轻的一代,我很高兴青过去数年间对我投资事业的关注。我感到欣慰的是她不仅对真正赚钱感兴趣,同时关注如何投资。我想告诉大家的是:赚钱并非易事,“一分耕耘,一分收获”,我希望大家能明白我一直想说的事情:投资之前一定要做很多“功课”。没有人能帮你,你必须要自己做出判断。在市场风云变化时你得随时确认自己的决定是对的。这也是为何我深爱这份工作的主要原因之一! tujian.org
我希望通过读这本书你能发现投资的方法,我很高兴看完这本书后你能因此爱上投资。 中华人民共和国图鉴社